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Why You're Craving Sugar Less After Using Diet Shakes

Sugar is the mortal enemy of dieting. For most, sugar is a part of our daily lives. It’s a huge comfort food and has certainly helped me through some tough times. While it does make us feel good, it doesn’t make our body happy. This is why when you are trying to lose weight, sugar, who was once your best friend, has turned into your worst enemy. The good news though, is that your sugar habit can be kicked to the curb though the use of diet shakes.

Let’s dive in to discuss a few reasons you’re craving sugar less when you’re using diet shakes.

They’re filling

One great benefit of diet shakes are that they have the ability to suppress your appetite. This is because they are packed with good sources of fiber which are notoriously filling. When you are full, the last thing on your mind is eating more let alone grabbing something sugary. They work by releasing a natural hormone in your body called Lepin. Lepin tells your body when it’s full. When you drink a diet shake you are allowing your body to release this hormone. This is why after you drink one, it can leave you feeling full between meals, which leaves less opportunity to grab for something to keep your energy levels up. Which leads us too …

They keep your energy level up

Getting to the basics, we eat food because we need the energy it provides. However, not all food are created equal when it comes to being a good or a bad source of energy. Sugar, for example, comes in many different forms. You can get sugar from eating an apple and you can also get it from eating a doughnut. While they contents of both foods contain sugar the sugar from the apple is a more stable form of sugar, while the doughnut will give you a sugar high, which you will crash from leaving you wanting more sugar. It’s the same idea with diet shakes, except without the sugar. Diet shakes give you stable forms of energy that are found in protein and fiber. When you eat sugary food, like doughnuts, your blood glucose level spikes making you feel great and energetic, but shortly after you crash making you feel exhausted and looking for something to snack on to feel energetic again. This up and down cycle is not good for your body. This is why drinking meal replacement shakes is a great alternative to snacking all day. Not only do they have less calories, they provide a stable source of energy, allowing your body to function less frantically.

They are nutritious

After reading all that, it should come as no shock that diet shakes are extremely nutritious for you. Because they are so nutrient dense, your body will have no reason to crave sugar. Kicking a sugar habit can be tough, but through the use of diet shakes you will slowly need sugar less and less. It also should be noted that not all diet shakes are the same. Some differ in ingredients and even contain sugar! Please do your research before choosing a diet shake and make sure it contains no sugar. Diet shakes that contain sugar will do little to nothing to help curb a sugar addiction.

They taste great

Let’s be honest, we love sugar. It tastes awesome. A lot of products that are sugar-free taste like cardboard, leaving you wanting to just take a big bite out of a candy bar as soon as possible. The reason diet shakes are so great is because they taste like they contain sugar, even if they don’t. With great flavors such as salted caramel, vanilla, and even chocolate, it’s easy to satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way that doesn’t contain all the calories and the sugar.

In conclusion

When you are researching diet solutions, always make sure they contain little to no sugar. The whole point of a diet is to break bad habits. It’s always harder keeping the weight off, than losing it. In order to keep it off, it’s important to get into a habit of avoid sugar at all costs.

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